Friday, August 19, 2011

Everyday Promptings

Getting a whisper from God is an intense experience.  If you are like me, you wrestle with the whisper.  What does it mean?  How am I to respond?  What are the implications of the all powerful God speaking to me?  It takes guts to hear from God and it takes even more guts to respond.  When we respond, our hearts are opened and transformed by the power of Christ.

Remember the five-part filter of knowing a whisper is from God:
Is this whisper really from you, God?
Is this whisper scriptural?
Is this whisper wise?
Is it in tune with my wiring or character?
What do the people I trust think about it?

The real question is, do you want to hear from God?  Are you putting yourself in a position to hear from God….scripture, quiet, intentional relationship? 

I love the poem we shared last week:
Oh! Give me Samuel’s ear, an open ear, O Lord, alive and quick to hear
Each whisper of Thy word; like him to answer to Thy call and to obey Thee first of all.

Next Sunday we are going to look at Paul’s conversion in Act 9:1-19.  In that conversion experience, we see a few ways that God spoke.  What kind of whispers does God prompt us with in everyday life?  Come Sunday alive and quick to hear each whisper of Thy word.

Check out the link

See you Sunday,

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