Friday, March 30, 2012

Resurrection life

What do you believe to be true about Jesus?  We are confronted every Easter with whether or not the death and resurrection of Jesus is true.  We also need to decide if the way of Christianity, the death and resurrection way of life, is true for us today.  The way of Christianity is to join Jesus in his death and resurrection in order to restore our relationship with God.  We must come to the conclusion that we are dead spiritually, cut off from God, and without Christ there would be no path to a restored life with God.

Our stories and confessions about Jesus help us to experience this death and resurrection truth.  We have the scriptures and we have modern day turning points displaying the power of Jesus and his people living out the gospel.  We just need to share those stories with each other!

How has your life been changed by the death and resurrection of Jesus?

Read Romans 6:5-11 in preparation for Sunday.


Friday, March 23, 2012

Full Hope

“And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.” (Romans 5:2b NIV)

So much of our life hinges on timing.  Our plan and the timing of it leaves us feeling either in control or out of control, steady or chaotic, hopeful or in despair.  In God’s kingdom, His timing is perfect and very different from our timing and expectations.  Why is this? Is this good for us? Why did Jesus show up four days after Lazarus died?  In this case, it was to reveal Jesus’ power and authority but at the same time it revealed his compassion and grief.  We get an opportunity to see the heart of God in Jesus as the resurrection and the life, the messiah and rescuer. God’s glory was made known to us.

When Jesus’ timing is revealed in our turning points we are compelled to point to His power and glory.  We open our hands (trust & hope) as we journey, allowing the timing of Jesus to call us out of the grave, from death to life in our heart, mind, soul, and relationships.  Don’t forget that Jesus also calls us to allow others (safe people) to take our grave cloths off.  Grave cloths are a reality for all of us. The Turning Points are just the beginnings of life change, healing, becoming more like Jesus and His Body.  It is in the death to life experiences and in the removal of our grave cloths that we find a hope that does not disappoint and a grace that we now stand on.  Through suffering and perseverance we gain real substance to our hope that nothing is too far gone for the power of Jesus.  If the resurrection of Jesus is true then it changes the way we journey through life and connect in relationship with the living God and other people.  Again, the Kingdom of God is bursting forth through you!

Read Romans 5:1-5 in prep for Sunday. 

See you Sunday

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Turning Point

Transformation often begins by way of a “Turning Point”.   A turning point is a time where we see our need to turn from our way of life to the way of Jesus. The turning point is the beginning of a life long journey.  A journey where the cross and resurrection play out in our hearts, brokenness, relationships and purpose in life.   

The Turing Point series will walk us through Paul’s teaching in Romans, bringing understanding to why our turning points are possible.  We will also look at the last week of Jesus before his death and resurrection to highlight the truth in what Paul wrote. Finally, we will see how our personal turning points have influenced our own transformation in our journey with Christ.  This Easter series will hit the heart of what Jesus accomplished for us in his life, death and resurrection. It will also connect us to one another as we see what Christ is doing in our midst as the kingdom of God is bursting forth in our lives.

Read Romans 3:21-26 and Matt. 27:15-50 in preparation for Sunday as we enter the Easter season. 

See you Sunday,