So if we put it all together, we have about 350 New Testament
books out there in your hands for this Community Bible Experience. If, on average, each person read about half
the chapters, collectively we have read somewhere in the neighborhood of 45,500
chapters in the last 8 weeks. That is
like 5 years of scripture engagement in two months. Congratulations! Keep digging into the scripture while in
relationship. It’s a prescription for
spiritual dryness.
week we have the opportunity to hear Dr. George Murray from Columbia
International University speak. He is
going to wrap up the New Testament for us while digging into chapter 22 of
Revelation … “I am coming soon.” Dr.
Murray assumed the chancellorship of Columbia International University in July
2007. Prior to that, he was president of the university from 2000-2007. As
CIU’s chancellor, Dr. Murray travels the world preaching and teaching,
recruiting students, and working with major donors and alumni. I hope you can join us as we wrap up the Community
Bible Experience.
As you
come this Sunday, continue in the spirit of celebration. Be prepared to share what you have learned from this
Community Bible Experience. Let the
church know how you have grown. Feel
free to shoot me an email about your experience … I would love to know.